Quebec Emploi – Job Search Database
In order to apply to Police Technology or Pre-Emergency Hospital Care, students must havetheir Probationary License by the March 1st application deadline. As well, students are required to pass Physical Testing which will take place during the month of November (Pre-Emergency Hospital Care)and December (Police Tech) Students must register for the testingbeforehand – please speak with a Guidance Counsellor for more information.
Do you have questions about CEGEP? Are you considering trade school? Not quite sure what you want to do after high school? Students are encouraged to make an appointment with one of our Guidance Counsellors to further discuss their post-secondary options.
The Student Services Department is made up of a group of caring, dedicated professionals and technicians who will listen to you and help you through your high school years. Every day the Student Services team provides information, advice and assistance to students, staff and parents.
This team includes:
Angela Brett Guidance Counselor (last names A – E) ext. 8737
Martin Lalancette Guidance Counselor (last names F – L) ext. 8743
Sara Mattigetz Guidance Counselore (last names L – Z) ext. 8720
Any student and/or his or her family can access services by requesting an appointment directly with team members. Students can also request an appointment with a Guidance Counsellor by clicking on the following link: Book an Appointement
Students Services department also offers students an array of services including educational counseling, vocational/career counseling and personal counseling. Students needing information on course selection, schedule changes, careers, vocational schools, CEGEPs and universities are encouraged to make an appointment with the Guidance Counselors. All correspondence is kept strictly confidential.